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Huang Lian Capsule

Huang Lian Capsule

Huang Lian Capsule is made of sichuan coptis root by modern pharmaceutical technologies.

Approval No.
SFDA approval number Z10910015
Chemical Compositions Sichuan coptis root, coptisine, methyl coptisine, berberine, palmatine, Columbamine, jateorhizine, obakunone, obaculactone and other alkaloids. Main ingredients are optisine and methyl coptisine.
Pharmacological Functions Antibacterial: broad antibacterial spectrum. Significant inhibitory effects on staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus pneumoniae, meningococcus, diphtheria bacillus, streptococcus, neisseria gonorrhoeae, and mycobacterium tuberculosis. Antiviral: It has inhibitory effects on influenza A PR8 strains, FM1 strains, Lee strains, 1233 strains and other influenza viruses, as well as newcastle virus.
Flavor and meridian tropism Bitter cold.
Functions and Indications Heat-clearing and damp-drying, purging fire for removing toxin. In the therapy of vomit, dysentery, jaundice high fever coma, heart-fire hyperactivity, toothache, etc.
Usage and dosage Take 2-6 capsules orally for 3 times a day.
Specifications 0.25g/box×36 granules/box;
Packing 0.25g×12 granules×3 strips aluminum foil, medicinal PVC sheet.
Storage Tightly sealed.


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